“Take a Chance on You”を教材に、アンジェラ・アキさんの歌のメッセージについて考えました。
Don’t give up! Don’t cry! という、10代の若者への深いメッセージが込められていることを知りました。
Q、What is the message you’d like to give teens?
Have fun with friends
Do work what you’re favor of
Concentrate on what you think is important
then you’ll be ready for your future
Maybe you don’t understand you have a lot of chance and choice
so I’d like you to challenge anything.
Enjoy, you have bright future.
And most important thing is health, please try to be healthy.
I would like to tell young people to work hard when you are young
because the experiences grow you up.
You should challenge anything interesting.
Don’t forget effort and you will get the goal.

Try to discover the world and experience it fully to broaden your perspective and be grateful for the chance to live and learn. Never take the things you have right now for granted, because it wouldn’t be there if you had been born in a different setting…
(世界を見て知ってほしい たくさん経験してほしい 視野を広げ、生きること、そして学べることを感謝できるように あなたが今持っているすべてのものを、当たり前だなんて思わないで)
どんな英語版“A letter”が出来上がるのか、楽しみです!年明け、upします!!