
英語を学ぶ楽しさを知ってもらいたいと思いつつ、現実は大学受験でも避けられない科目として、しっかりと学ばなければいけないのも事実です。そんな中、困っている子どもたちや落ち込んでいる保護者の方々をサポートするために、ロンドン大学教育研究所とディスレクシア・インターナショナルが共同で開発した「Supporting Children with Reading and Writing Difficulties」という講座を受講しました。
I want kids to enjoy learning English as a language, but let’s face it, English is also a subject that you can’t avoid all the way through university. I want to find a way to help kids who are struggling and their discouraged parents.
To be honest, I used to feel very frustrated because I didn’t have the authority to diagnose developmental and learning disorders like a doctor. However, through this course, I realized that I was wrong. There’s no need to diagnose anything at all; we just need to asess them. Learning practical methods was a huge learning experience for me.
I hope to use the knowledge I gained here to support each child’s growth. I want to help all learners effectively support themselves with confidence and their own learning methods, without damaging their self-esteem.